Readiness Programs Prepare Students to Succeed in Kindergarten - Mastery Charter School

Readiness Programs Prepare Students to Succeed in Kindergarten

Elevate 215 news

The first few weeks of kindergarten can be a transformative period for young students. The daily routine and structure in kindergarten may be a completely new experience, and socializing with peers and forming new friendships can also present challenges as kids learn to navigate social dynamics, sharing, and cooperating with others.

However, adapting to the demands of the classroom and responding to the guidance of teachers is a significant developmental milestone for these young learners. That’s why some schools across the city take steps to help students prepare for the transition by hosting summer kindergarten readiness camps. The camps provide students an opportunity to build foundational literacy, social and emotional skills, interact with their teachers and peers, and adjust to the formal structure of school.

Elevate 215 visited the kindergarten readiness camp at Mastery Charter Schools Cleveland campus over the summer and it was evident the impact the program had on their students. The overarching objective of the camp was to identify each child’s academic strengths and areas for improvement to find the most appropriate programming for their needs.