Philadelphia Public Notices - Mastery Schools

Philadelphia Public Notices

Right to Know

Steps to Follow When Making a Right to Know Request from Mastery Charter:

There is a Board approved cost of $0.25 per page to copy a document.

  • Mail or email the open records request form to the Mastery Charter Right to Know Officer at:

Michael Patron, Compliance and Regulatory Officer

Mastery Charter Schools – NST Office

5700 Wayne Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19144

[email protected]


  • You may have access to the records through paper copy, in electronic form (if available), or by coming in to the office to view the documents in person:
    • For Paper Copies – Send a check or money order made payable to Mastery Charter High School for the total amount of copying fees. Once we receive payment, the document will be mailed to your attention.
    • For Electronic Copies – Please provide an email address where the documents can be sent.
    • For Personal Viewing of Records – You may schedule an appointment in advance to come in to the Right to Know Office and view the requested document at no cost between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm Monday thru Friday on regularly scheduled work days.
  • For requests submitted via email, you should receive a reply email acknowledging the receipt of your request within 1-2 business days. Mastery Schools uses email filters which on occasion may intercept your request. Including these words in the subject line of your email will assist in the appropriate identification of your request – “Open Records Request”. If you have not received a response acknowledging receipt of your records request within three (3) business days, please contact the Open Records Officer by phone at 267-671-2888.
  • Anonymous requests will not be considered valid requests under the Right To Know Law.

Public Notices

We’re excited to introduce a faster, more convenient way for students to get their meals! In partnership with Identimetrics, select Mastery PA Elementary schools are implementing a new biometric finger scanning system that will significantly reduce time spent in breakfast and lunch lines. This secure technology is already successfully used across the country including Philadelphia charter schools and PA School Districts.

In this system, students simply place their finger on a scanner at the cashier stand then the scanner identifies 3 unique points on the finger and converts them into a number associated with the student. Within 2 seconds, the student is identified and receives their meal.

It’s important to note that this system does NOT capture or store fingerprints. Unlike traditional fingerprinting, which involves rolled images of all ten fingers, Identimetric’s finger scanning technology uses flat images of only two fingers to create templates linked to student names and ID. It is impossible to reproduce fingerprints from the information captured in these scans.

We understand that you may have questions or concerns about this new system. If you prefer that your child not participate, please fill out an Opt Out form at your campus. Students will still be able to receive a free meal regardless of whether they’ve been opted out.

For any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your school’s Assistant Principal of Operations or review parent information at We’re committed to addressing any concerns you may have and excited about providing our students more time to enjoy their meals and socialize with friends.

Description of Mastery Charter’s programs for students with English Language Learners and guarantee of full access for students and parents with limited English skills.


Gifted and Talented Pupils

Annual Public Notice of Special Education Services and Programs for Students with Disabilities.


Policies and Procedures Regarding Student Education Records and the Rights of Parents and Students Under Federal Law Concerning Confidentiality.


In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. Mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
  2. Fax:
    (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. Email:
    [email protected]

Student Athletes must pursue a full time curriculum defined by Mastery Charter School. Students cannot carry below 65% in two (2) or more classes at any time, including half credit courses. In order to try out for a team, student athletes must meet the semester grade requirements listed below. Once a student athlete makes a team, then their eligibility will be assessed weekly by the Athletic Director and approved by the Principal according to the process below.

Student athletes will be withheld from competition if they are deemed ineligible by the Athletic Director in the weekly reports sent via email to faculty and administration. Students are permitted to attend practices and team meetings at the discretion of the Athletic Director and Head Coach while ineligible for competition but can be withheld from practice to attend teacher office hours or study hall sessions. In collaboration with student-athletes’ teachers, Athletic Directors are able to reinstate student athletes for competition when the student meets Mastery eligibility standards.


In order to try out for a team, students must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Fall Sports: Students are eligible to try out for a fall sport if they have successfully matriculated to the next grade.
  2. Winter Sports: Students are eligible to try out for winter sports if their cumulative RP 1 cumulative average is 65%
  3. Spring Sports: Students are eligible to try out for spring sports if their cumulative semester 1 grade (RP 1, 2 & 3) is at least a 65%


Process for weekly eligibility student-athlete checks:

  • At the beginning of each playing season, ADs will enter individual team rosters into the Activity Center in eSchool.
  • Each week via email, Athletic Directors will send out team rosters and away game schedules to their campus faculty including the Principal, APO, APSC, and API.
  • Due to the unpredictability of timing of entering grades as well as the nightly updates of the gradebooks in eSchool, the eSchool Cognos failure report will be used as a starting point to determine eligibility at each campus. ADs will run reports using that system starting at week 3 during in each reporting period. After week 3, in each weekly email, ADs will send the team rosters who are eligible, as well as the list of students who are ineligible. They will request additional feedback from faculty that may not be included in the eSchool reporting system.
  • Faculty will provide athletic directors with supporting academic information (grades, homework, participation, etc) to assist the athletic director to determine weekly eligibility according to Mastery Student Athlete Eligibility standards.
  • Athletic Directors will check player eligibility weekly using this process by Tuesday morning at 9:30am.


If a student athlete has a cumulative average below a 65% at the end of any reporting period, that student is ineligible for participation in athletics for 10 school days at the beginning of the next RP. This includes:


  1. No practice for the first 10 school days
  2. The student will be allowed to start practicing with the team after 10 school days as long as they are passing a minimum of four classes after the 10 days. If they are not eligible for competition the initial 10 school days, then they will be reassessed weekly within the normal eligibility checks and can be reinstated for competition by the Athletic Director when they meet the Mastery Eligibility Standards.


Student Athlete Weekly Ineligibility includes:

  • The student will not play in or dress for any games until they are reinstated by the Athletic Director.
  • The student is allowed to practice with the team as long as they meet all teacher requirements for office hours, homework help or missed work prior to practice.
  • The student is not allowed to be dismissed early from school for games.
  • The student is not allowed to travel with the team.



Athletic participation is a privilege and school culture violations can result in suspension of participation. Ineligibility as a result of behavior will be determined by the Athletic Director, Principal, and Assistant Principal of School Culture. The APSC will send the Athletic Director the names of any student athletes who have received a behavior violation, and the consequences will be as follows;


  1. If a student receives one Level II violation, the Principal, Assistant Principal of School Culture, and/or Athletic Director / MS Athletic Coordinator may elect to suspend a student from competition. A student in this scenario may continue to practice with his/her team, but should not travel nor attend the game.
  2. If a student receives a second Level II, then they will be suspended from two games. (No travel. Not allowed at the game).
  1. If a student receives a third Level II, The Principal, Assistant Principal of School Culture, and Athletic Director / MS Athletic Coordinator are expected to meet and determine if the student should be removed from the team for the duration of the season. If the answer is “no”, specific criteria should be communicated to the student / family regarding expectations to be able to continue as an active player.
  2. If a student receives one Level III violation, then they will be suspended from competition for the remainder of that season. (No travel. Not allowed at the games). A student in this scenario may continue to practice with his/her team for the remainder of the current athletic season with approval from the Principal, Assistant Principal of School Culture, and/or Athletic Director / MS Athletic Coordinator.


Wayne Academy

  1. Any student who is sent to Wayne Academy will not be eligible to compete while attending that campus (No travel. Not allowed at the games), unless the student was sent for reasons unrelated to behavioral violations or disciplinary action. A student attending Wayne Academy may continue to practice with his/her team with approval from the Principal, Assistant Principal of School Culture, and/or Athletic Director / MS Athletic Coordinator.
  2. A student who returns to his/her home campus after fulfilling requirements at Wayne Academy may rejoin his/her team with full eligibility upon reinstatement, provided all restorative expectations have been met to the satisfaction of the Principal and Assistant Principal of School Culture.



  1. A student absent on the day of a game or practice will not be allowed to play in that day’s game or participate in that day’s practice. Exception – the absence is a non-medical, excused absence.
  2. A student arriving late on the day of a game will not be eligible for early dismissal, and will not be allowed to play in that day’s game or travel (if lateness is not an excused lateness).
  3. A student who is absent for 20 or more days during Report Periods 1 through 3 or Report Periods 3 through 4 may be ineligible to play in any games until they have been in attendance for 45 school days following the student’s 20th day of absence. The athletic director and coach will assess the circumstances for absence and make a ruling that is in accordance with the athletic association’s bylaws.
Homeless youth are entitled to immediate enrollments and their families are not required to prove residency regarding school enrollment. Included within the definition of homeless children and youth are those who are “awaiting foster care placement” and “unaccompanied homeless youth.” These students should be enrolled without delay, in the district where they are presently residing, or continue their education in the district of prior attendance. See the McKinney-Vento Act, 42 U.S.C. §11431 et seq.



Mastery Schools recognizes the multiplicity of challenges most homeless, displaced, and doubled-up families encounter, and understand our responsibility to resolve some of the issues they face. Mastery Schools also realizes the availability of resources in any emergency may make the difference between success and failure in school. The below memorandums are designed to help school personnel access the services provided by Mastery Schools for all homeless students. Please disseminate the information to all concerned staff.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act, now part of the Improving America’s Schools Act (Public Law 103-382) and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, guarantees a free and appropriate public education for homeless/displaced children and youth. BEC 42 U.S.C. & 11301 outlines procedures for deciding school placement, enrolling students, and determining fiscal responsibility. Federal and state laws make our accountability clear. With an estimated 10,000 homeless students currently attending Philadelphia public schools, we must provide appropriate academic support and services.

Please contact your school’s social work team if you need additional resources.

Draft Plans for Public Review

Financial Statements



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