Teacher’s inspiring mantra for students will reaffirm your hope for the future - Mastery Schools

Teacher’s inspiring mantra for students will reaffirm your hope for the future

The Huffington Post
By Caroline Bologna

Teaching my 3rd grade black and brown babies to #PushThrough today. Due to unwelcoming, unsettling, and uncomfortable election results, this was our lesson for the day.

Posted by Jasmyn Wright on Wednesday, November 9, 2016


As countless acts of hate and discrimination impact communities across the nation, one Pennsylvania teacher is showing her young students how to rise above and persevere through adversity.

On the day after the presidential election, third grade teacher Jasmyn Wright issued a simple but powerful message to her class: “push through.”

Wright, who works at a Frederick Douglass Elementary in Philadelphia, posted a video of a call-and-response exercise she does with her students. The exercise encourages her students to “push through” any adversity and remember they are capable of accomplishing amazing things.

“What if it’s too hard?” the teacher asks her students.

“I’m gonna push through!” they respond.

“What if it’s too tough?” Wright asks.

“I’m gonna push through!” they answer.

“What if you’re just too dumb?” she asks.

“That ain’t true!” they exclaim.

“What if you’re just too young?” the teacher asks.

“That ain’t true!” the students answer.

“What if you just can’t do it?”

“That ain’t true!”

“Why, because …”

“I can do anything I put my mind to!”

During the exercise, Wright also evokes many inspiring black icons who “pushed through” during hard times ― from Rosa Parks to Nelson Mandela to Jackie Robinson to Michelle Obama.