Let your voice be heard—the 2025 Mastery Family Survey is now live! - Mastery Schools

Let your voice be heard—the 2025 Mastery Family Survey is now live!

Mastery Schools invites all parents and guardians of current students to participate in the 2025 Mastery Family Survey. This annual survey, offered in both English and Spanish, takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and helps us understand what’s working and where improvement is needed to better serve students and families.

Last year, we heard from thousands of parents from across our network. After the survey closed, Mastery leadership reviewed the feedback, and meetings were held to discuss themes and strategize next steps. We are thrilled to report that approximately 70% of the input submitted was positive. In fact, Mastery performed above the national average in all domains, including school environment, grade-level learning, value of feedback, trusting relationships with teachers, and academic opportunity. The constructive feedback we received was also helpful, and in response, school leaders designed and implemented changes to uniform policies, building operations, family communications, and more.

This year, we hope to have at least 30% of parents complete the survey at each of our 23 schools. If you are the parent or guardian of a current Mastery student, we strongly encourage you to participate. Families are our most important stakeholders, and hearing your thoughts and opinions is essential. Your participation in this effort will help influence priorities for next year and strengthen the partnership between school and home to ensure student success.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and improving together. Don’t wait, participate today

All responses are anonymous, and results will be shared directly with leaders and staff at each Mastery School. Families should only complete one survey per student.  If you have children at more than one school, please complete the survey for each school at which you have a child. If you have multiple children at one school, answer the questions with your eldest child in mind. To learn more, visit our Mastery Family Survey webpage.