Job recruiters are seeking out Philly’s graduating high school seniors - Mastery Schools

Job recruiters are seeking out Philly’s graduating high school seniors

by Stephen Williams

More than 200 seniors and alums of several Mastery Charter Schools got the opportunity to explore dozens of jobs and opportunities at a career fair at the African American Museum of Philadelphia in Center City.

Aramark, the City of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Police Department, the School District of Philadelphia, the U.S. Armed Forces, health care companies and the city’s two casinos were just a handful of the two dozen companies looking to pick up talent.

Cristina Juarbe Santaliz, Mastery Charter Schools director of workforce development, said the school wants to ensure that students succeed after graduation, whether they attend college, seek apprenticeships or internships, or go into the workforce.

“We have a multiple pathways approach, and we want to support them in any post-secondary decision that they make, so we want to provide them with access to opportunities for employment before they graduate,” Santiliz said.

Based in Philadelphia, Mastery Charter Schools operates 24 charter schools in the city and Camden, serving about 14,000 students. According to the recruiters, opportunities are plentiful.