Guest Blog Post: VOTE for Equity - Mastery Schools

Guest Blog Post: VOTE for Equity

Ken’Delle Durkson, Swarthmore College ’20
Hardy Williams Mastery Charter High School ‘16

Fighting for a safer, more equal America began for me in 2016 when I was a freshman at Swarthmore College. I found my voice and became politically activated. In the past several years, I have looked on in horror as the most disadvantaged communities in our nation have suffered gravely. It has been emotionally draining, so wrenching and painful to watch. If we have the capacity to do something to change these things for the better, to take action, then we need to do it. The upcoming election is an empowering moment to make our collective voice heard. To do nothing, to not vote, is to surrender to your own oppression.

To fight for the USA I believe in and my ancestors worked and died for, I joined NextGen America. Choosing not to vote dishonors the legacy of all the people who have come before us, fighting in the civil rights movement for our right to vote. If we don’t activate the youth vote, we’re letting down the older folks that can’t get out and fight right now.

I’m working to have high school and college students join me in promoting voting among young people. I want to mobilize the voices of those most silenced and ignored. The youth vote is key. By mobilizing the political power of young people like you and me, we can be that “Silent Majority.” We can use our power at the polls to permanently send white supremacists back into the fringe.

The stakes have never been higher. I intend to dedicate all of my capacity and time to turning out the youth vote on November 3rd. My contempt for daily inequalities faced by people who look like me is my source of energy and hope.

I invite you to join me. Let’s organize, vote, and reclaim our futures.

Follow me on Twitter (@DurksonKendelle) and visit to learn more.