Elevate 215 Awards $160K in Planning Grants to Four High Schools Beating the Odds for Their Students - Mastery Schools

Elevate 215 Awards $160K in Planning Grants to Four High Schools Beating the Odds for Their Students

[Philadelphia, PA] August 13, 2024 – Today, Elevate 215 announces the award of $160,000 in planning grants to four Philadelphia high schools: Building 21 Philadelphia, Imhotep Institute Charter High School, Mastery Charter Shoemaker, and Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School. The schools are recognized for “beating the odds” (BTO) by producing graduates who are thriving after high school.

“These high schools have developed intentional and effective models that utilize innovative practices to prepare their students for post-secondary success,” said Stacy Holland, Executive Director of Elevate 215. “Our goal is to collaborate with the schools over the next few months to create action plans that will further accelerate student growth and ensure long-term success.”

The selected high schools were identified through data analysis based on specific demographic, income and performance criteria. The application process required schools to highlight a promising practice they plan to enhance or scale in their programming. Each selected school has been awarded a $40,000 planning grant.

“We are honored to be recognized for the dedication of our teachers and staff, which has driven significant advancements for our scholars,” shared Dr. Jury Segers, Principal of Imhotep Institute Charter High School. “We are excited to leverage this planning grant to team up with Elevate 215 and strategically address our scholars’ needs for achieving success after graduation.”

During the four-month grant period (August-November 2024), Elevate 215 will collaborate with each school’s planning team to analyze performance data, reflect on effective practices, and develop an action plan to further expand their impact. Additionally, the cohort of schools will have the opportunity to share insights and lessons learned.

At the end of the Planning Grant phase, recipients will have the chance to apply for High School BTO Implementation Grants. The results of these applications will be announced at a later date.

Background on the High School BTO Methodology

In 2022, Elevate 215 identified five K-8 schools “beating the odds” and awarded Planning Grants followed by Implementation Grants to six schools the next year. In 2024, a new methodology was developed specifically for high schools, using the following factors: demographics, graduation rates, attendance and post-secondary outcomes.

Criteria for BTO High Schools:

  • Minimum 73% of students identifying as Black and Hispanic/Latinx
  • Minimum 69% of students identified as low-income
  • Minimum 83% graduation rate for 2022
  • Minimum 49% of students attending 90% of days
  • Scoring above predicted average on the Statewide Future Ready Index Post-Secondary Success Metric when compared to schools serving similar populations of low-income students

Through a rigorous application process–that included school visits and stakeholder interviews, in addition to a written application–Building 21, Imhotep Institute, Mastery Charter Shoemaker, and Sankofa Freedom Academy were selected for the first cohort of High School BTO Planning Grants.