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This page is for all Mastery Schools. Individual campuses may vary in their programming.
Academic Support for Your Child:
Specialized Services Support
- Helping your child with: writing | reading | math
- Checking progress at home
- Establishing routines at home
- Building foundations for communication
- Assisting your child with academics
Other Resources:
Family Training Videos:
- To access virtual training videos in English and Spanish, please visit the Mastery Schools YouTube page.
Reading and English Language Arts (ELA) Support
We nurture students’ literacy development by fostering identity, criticality, and skills. Our programming aims to build students’ knowledge of the world, instill a love of literacy, develop critical consciousness, and teach students the skills they need to work towards the eradication of injustice. Our lessons sharpen students’ ability to use texts as windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors. In other words, to see into a new world, see a reflection of their own lives, and become part of a world an author has created.
Learn more about our Early Elementary and English Language Arts (ELA) programming.
Supporting your child:
If you are looking to help support your child in reading, the Lexia online reading program recommends lessons based on your child’s diagnostic performance. We recommend Lexia for 60 minutes a week.
Supporting your child:
i-Ready and Lexia are online programs that provide personalized lessons targeted to your student’s needs. Access your student’s dashboard to see the To Do lessons, view progress, and interactive games. Check with your child’s teacher to see which program they use for reading support (Lexia or i-Ready). We recommend either program for 20-30 minutes a week.
Additionally, we recommend helping your student build at-home routines around independent reading so reading becomes a daily habit.
Supporting your child:
Research shows that independent reading is a key component to improving a student’s literacy skills. See here for recommended reading lists by grade level (COMING SOON).
We recommend at least 20 minutes of independent reading a day.
Supporting your child:
Quill is an online program that anyone can sign up for and begin practicing their writing and grammar skills. Ask your child’s teacher if they have a Quill account that you can connect to.
Quill is available here.
Math Support
All students have opportunities to joyfully construct meaning, engage with the thinking of others and productively struggle. Students feel empowered to succeed in math and explore the beauty of its logic.
Learn more about our Math programming.
Supporting your child:
If you are looking to help support your child in math, the Zearn online math program is used in our K-8 classrooms to supplement math instruction. Students are assigned a lesson by their teacher and can access previous lessons under the “My Stuff” link. We recommend Zearn for 90 minutes a week (45 minutes for Kindergarten).
- Zearn Parent Resources
- Zearn Parent Info
- How to access my child’s progress on Zearn
- Follow @zearnmath on Instagram or Facebook for helpful content to support your child’s learning.
- Ensure your child completes assigned homework daily
Eureka Math K-8 parent roadmaps explain what your child will be studying in math class in the coming year, and share strategies that you can employ to facilitate learning outside of the classroom for success with Eureka Math in school.
Science Support
The goal of science instruction at Mastery is to provide students with experiences that help them understand the world and how it works. This is achieved through an intentional sequencing of content in the life, physical and earth and space sciences that moves from the concrete to the abstract so that students build accurate mental pictures of concepts and are able to use those concepts to solve novel and interesting problems.
Learn more about our Science programming.
Supporting your child:
Grades 3-5:
- Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Success in Science – English
- Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Success in Science – Spanish
Grades 6-8:
Supporting your child:
Grades 9-12:
Social Studies Support
Social Studies students possess the knowledge, skills and drive to think, speak and write critically about the past, to see and value the connections between the past and the present, and to challenge the “single story” of history.
Fundamentally, Social Studies teachers teach students how to think historically, not what to think. Through evaluating multiple perspectives in primary and secondary sources, students gain a broader, more complete understanding of the past and its impact on the present. It is critical that students understand key dates and the chronology of major historical events in order to unpack larger political, social, economic, and cultural ideas over time. And of course, the study of history requires students to read critically, drawing upon evidence to construct convincing arguments and then expressing those arguments clearly both orally and in writing. So history teachers are literacy teachers too!
Elementary Social Studies Support
Middle School Social Studies Support
High School Social Studies Support
Social Studies Resources in Spanish
Learn more about our Social Studies programming.
Student-Parent Handbooks
Code of Conduct
Support for Immigrant, Undocumented and Mixed-Status Families
We believe all students deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential, and we are committed to providing immigrant, undocumented, and mixed-status families with the support they need to succeed. Our Immigrant Rights page provides information about our commitment to families and helpful resources.