Benefits - Mastery Schools


Great! You’re here to learn more about our rich benefits package. And we’re excited to share that information!

On 10/3/2024, SmartBen, our former online enrollment system, has been replaced by Worklife. Username and Password formats have not changed. Below is the updated site link along with login instructions.

  • Site:
  • Username: First initial of your first name + your birth date (MMDDYY) + last 4 digits of SSN
  • Password: Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)
    • Passwords were reset to the above format during Open Enrollment (OE) in May or at your New Hire start date. Upon successful login, staff would have been prompted to reset their passwords.
    • Having any trouble logging in? Please email Benefits VIP at [email protected] for further assistance.

Benefits VIP is a powerful, one-stop contact center staffed by seasoned professionals. This help center is here to help all Mastery employees! The dedicated team of employee benefits advocates are ready to help you and your family members. Please contact Benefits VIP for the following reasons:

  • Login issues with SmartBen, Mastery’s online enrollment system

  • Flexible Spending Accounts

  • Cost of any of Mastery’s insurance coverage

  • Whether certain items/procedures are covered under Mastery’s plans

  • Which plans you are currently enrolled in

For service that’s confidential and responsive, contact:

  • Phone: 1-866-286-5354 (M-F 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM EST)

  • Email: [email protected]

  • Fax: 1-856-996-2775

*Benefits VIP does not assist with retirement or PD benefits. Specific contacts are outlined in these sections.

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is an account in an employee’s name that reimburses the employee for qualified healthcare, dependent care, and transit expenses. It allows an employee to fund qualified expenses with pre-tax dollars deducted from the employee’s paychecks. The employee can receive cash reimbursement up to the total value of the account for covered expenses incurred during the benefit plan year and any applicable grace period.

Please read more information here.

All Mastery employees may participate in our voluntary 403(b) retirement plans. We offer a pre-tax and after-tax (Roth) option.

  • All employees can enroll in the voluntary 403(b) plan at any time, and may contribute up to the annual IRS limit on employee elective salary deferrals.

  • To enroll or to change your contribution amount, please follow the steps here.

  • Mastery Schools has partnered with PenServ to administer our 403(b) options. To access your account, please visit Select First Time Visitor, and enter one of the following plan access codes:

    • NJ employees: msoc9782

    • PA employees: mscs5668

  • Mastery has engaged Philip J. Fogli of FRS Advisors to assist in the design of a personal investment plan specific to your needs. You may reach Mr. Fogli via phone at 215.599.6390 or via email at [email protected].

  • For more information, please refer to your enrollment guide:

Pennsylvania Employees:

  • Effective August 1, 2016, all new hires are eligible for the mandatory 403(b) plan only. PSERS is not an option for new employees.

  • Full-Time employees are automatically enrolled in the mandatory 403(b) plan at a contribution rate of 5% of the employee’s salary and receive a matching employer contribution of 5%. Part-time employees will be eligible for the mandatory 403(b) plan after working 400 hours. At that time, they will receive the employer match (5%).

New Jersey Employees

  • All New Jersey employees are required to be enrolled in a State of New Jersey Pension Plan.

  • Full-Time staff will be enrolled in one of the following plans:

    • The Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund (, or TPAF, is for Full-Time certified staff

    • The Public Employees’ Retirement System (, or PERS, is for Full-Time uncertified staff

  • The contribution rate for TPAF and PERS is 7.5% of base salary. Please refer to the sites linked above for information about vesting, benefits in retirement, purchasing previous time worked, contributory life insurance, and related topics.

  • To register a TPAF or PERS pension account (MBOS) and assign beneficiaries, please follow the steps in this document: You will need your pension member ID found on your payroll certificate.

  • Part-Time staff will be enrolled in the the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (, or DCRP, is for all Part-Time staff. The contribution rate for DCRP is 5.5% of eligible earnings.

    • To set up your account online through Prudential’s website (Prudential is the investment manager for the DCRP), visit Scroll down to “New User”, enter the required information, and follow the prompts to create an account.

  • Complete the Designation of Beneficiary Form and return it to the Division of Pensions. The form and instructions for completion are here: You’ll need to download the form, complete it, and mail it back to the Division of Pensions.

  • Make your investment selections. You have the option of deciding how your DCRP funds are invested. You can select your desired investment allocations by calling 800-562-8838.

Pennsylvania Employees Retirement:

New Jersey Employees Retirement:

All Employees Employee Retirement:

Mastery has partnered with Reliance Standard and Guardian to offer programs that can help provide support with a wide range of topics and issues.

Reliance’s EAP

  • Reliance’s EAP is now ‘AllOne Health’. Please follow the contact information below to access FREE benefits such as 3 free mental health sessions, life coaching, legal consultation, medical advocacy and MORE.
  • EAP Phone Number: 855.775.4357
    • The full company name and the full name of the covered employee are both required when making a request to the EAP
  • Employee Member Portal
  • Company Code: RSLI859
  • Webinar Schedule and Library
    • Live webinars are scheduled throughout the year to provide information on important topics. These webinars are open to all employees and advance registration is required.

Guardian’s EAP

  • Call 1-800-386-7055

  • Guardian’s program is a confidential support service designed to offer the help that employees and their families need. Consultants are available to assist with a variety of issues, including:

  • Face-to-face Counseling. Up to 3 visits per employee/household member per year.

  • Bereavement. Support available through telephonic or face-to-face sessions; online resources available.
  • Tobacco Cessation Coaching. Unlimited telephonic support and resources to assist with tobacco cessation.
  • WorkLife Services. 24/7 access to WorkLife Specialists in the areas of family & care giving, health & wellness and more
  • Child and Elder Care Referral. Unlimited telephonic consultation with a WorkLife Specialist.
  • Legal/Financial Assistance. Unlimited telephonic support for legal consultation, financial consultation, ID theft, will prep, tax consultation and more.
  • Talkspace

    • All Full- and Part- Time Mastery staff, their spouses, and children over the age of 13 will have access to unlimited messaging treatment with a licensed clinician. In addition to unlimited messaging via text, voice and video, staff/dependents can schedule one live video session per month. Please review the Talkspace FAQ for more information.

    • Access the Talkspace benefit by visiting this site ( and registering for an account using the organization code ‘Mastery Charter’ or ‘Mastery Schools’.

  • “AbleTo” Behavioral Health Programs

    • The program makes it easier to receive emotional support via phone or video-conference. No co-pay for Full-Time enrolled staff and their dependents.

    • Contact AbleTo

  • Main Line Counseling and Wellness Center

    • Founded by clinicians who love the work they do and believe in the worth of each person. Their evidence-based and holistic services include brief counseling as well as more intensive psychotherapy for a wide variety of issues and concerns. Currently, they see people for individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy and group therapy.

    • Visit Main Line Counseling and Wellness Center

  • 2-1-1 SEPA

    • Part of the national 2-1-1 Call Centers initiative, the 2-1-1 helpline is provided by United Way of greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey – in collaboration with the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania and the United Ways of Bucks, Chester, and Southern Chester Counties.

    • 24/7, 7 days per week; Calls are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. Services are community-based.

    • Dial: 2-1-1 OR visit

  • Network of Neighbors

    • The Network of Neighbors Responding to Violence is a network of community members trained to support – and lead – responses to stress, trauma, loss, and violence within their own communities.

    • Call: 267-233-4837

  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)

    • Reliance Standard and Guardian Employee Assistance Programs provide support on a wide range of issues, including: counseling, legal/financial assistance, identify theft, bereavement support, tobacco cessation, childcare/eldercare referrals, etc.

    • Reliance Standard: Contact ACI Specialty Benefits toll-free at 855.RSL. HELP (855.775.4357), or mobile app. Mobile Link: or search the App Store or Google Play for “myACI Benefits”

    • Guardian: Visit or call 800.386.7055.

All Mastery employees are allotted up to $1,000 per school year to use towards professional development. Please review the FAQ below to find out how to submit for this benefit and other helpful information.

Q. What can I use my professional development reimbursement benefit for?

A. You may use the professional development reimbursement for education coursework, PD opportunities, or certification related expenses – as approved by your APO/manager. Please note: Employees may not use professional development reimbursement funds to pay for certain expenses (e.g., travel, meals, lodging, supplies other than textbooks).

Additionally, the CARES Act amendment passed a temporary provision, set to expire on January 1, 2026, that allows educational assistance programs (like Mastery’s PD Reimbursement policy) to cover qualified education loans that were incurred by employees for their own education.

For this purpose, a “qualified education loan” is a debt incurred by the employee solely to pay qualified higher education expenses incurred by the employee around the same time and during a time when the employee was an eligible student.

Q. How do I receive reimbursement?

  1. The process requires the following:
  • Staff must first pay for and complete the professional development session, coursework, testing, and/or workshops related to their position.
  • PD Reimbursement requests must be submitted through Workday:
    • Log into Workday and click on the Requests icon
    • Under Actions, click Create Request
    • Click “All” and select Professional Development Reimbursement
    • Follow the steps within the form.
  • If requesting reimbursement for course work, you will need to include the following documentation:
    • Your final grades for the semester/course you are requesting reimbursement for (must be a “C” or better)
    • Proof of payment for the semester/course you are requesting reimbursement for (can be proof of out-of-pocket payments or proof that tuition was covered by a student loan)
    • The end date of the semester/course must fall within Mastery’s current school year (for the 23-24 SY, courses that end between 8/1/23-7/31/24 are eligible for reimbursement)
  • If requesting reimbursement for PD (such as a conference, webinar, event, etc.), you will need to include the following documentation:
    • Proof of payment
    • Proof of attendance/completion of the PD
  • If requesting reimbursement for student loan payments, you will need to include the following documentation:
    • Proof of payment(s) towards your loans that includes payment date(s) and your name
    • Documentation to substantiate the loan (ie. Documentation to prove that the payments are going towards a student/educational loan)
  • If requesting reimbursement for exams/certification-related expenses, you will need to include the following documentation:
    • Proof of payment
    • Proof of completion, if applicable
      • For exams, this must be in the form of your score report
    • Forms will route to the APO (school-based staff) or manager (school leaders or NST)

A related Q: Am I eligible for student loan forgiveness?

As an employee of a Mastery School, you may be eligible for Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), Teacher Loan Forgiveness or Perkins Loan Cancellation. Unfortunately, federal loan forgiveness programs are unnecessarily complex for borrowers to navigate. We have partnered with PeopleJoy, a trusted student loan adviser, to help guide you through the process. Visit to see if you are on track for forgiveness using your work email address or entering in authorization code MASTERYFAMILY. If you have questions please email [email protected].

Q. How much may I receive in professional development reimbursement funds?

A. All staff members are allotted up to $1,000 per school year.

Q. How much may I receive in professional development reimbursement funds if I have received a Certification Decrease this year?

A. Staff members with a Certification Decrease receive a $2,000 decrease from their salary. These funds are added to the allotted $1,000 for PD Reimbursements totaling a $3,000 allotment per school year that the decrease is applied.

A related Q: Can I use the $3000 ($1000 PD +$2000 from salary decrease) PD allotment towards my qualified education loans? (set to expire on January 1, 2026)

The CARES Act is a temporary provision that operates outside of our original PD reimbursement policy. For this reason, the additional $2,000 received for certification decrease may be used toward certification related expenses ONLY. (Its original intention was to aid the employee with receiving certification) Only the original $1,000 may be used towards a qualified education loan.

Q. Does my reimbursement allowance roll over to the next school year if I don’t use it this year?

A. Professional development allowances do not roll over each year. Allowances not used within the school year will be lost.

Q. I am enrolled in a RELAY program. Am I eligible to use professional development reimbursement funds?

A. If you have signed a RELAY payroll deduction agreement (i.e. deductions for your RELAY program are being taken from each paycheck), your professional development allotment has already been applied. You will not be eligible to receive an additional reimbursement. If you have not signed a RELAY payroll deduction agreement, you may submit for professional development reimbursement.

Q. What is the deadline to submit for PD reimbursement?

A. Employees will have until August 31st of each year to submit reimbursement requests from the previous year. As mentioned above, professional development allowances do not roll over each year, allowances that are not used within the school year, will be lost.

Q. How long do I have to submit for reimbursement?

A. Professional development requests must be made within the same school year of the coursework/seminar/certification testing completion date. For example, if you took a class that ended in May, you would have until August 31 to submit this course for reimbursement.

Q. What kind of proof of grades/attendance is acceptable?

A. A transcript is always accepted! Other proof can include a letter from the professor or professional development facilitator, certificate of completion, or a program from the PD/conference.

Q. Where do I look to see if I have received my reimbursement?

A. Reimbursements are processed within your normal paycheck, but note that taxes are not applied. You may view the reimbursement on your pay slip in Workday within 2 pay periods after you have submitted your reimbursement request for processing. You may check on the status of your request in Workday by selecting Menu à Requests à My Requests. If you have questions regarding payment, please email [email protected].

Q. How do I know if my request was denied?

A. Your request will be sent back to your Workday inbox with a note from HR stating why your request was denied.

Employee Perks Program:

  • Find great deals on electronics, travel, entertainment, clothes, gifts and more, in one convenient location! Visit and enter your name and birth date to take advantage of the discounts and offers.

Home/Auto Insurance

  • Paying too much for Auto Insurance? Get a no-obligation quote and switch your carrier at any time. This voluntary benefits program provides you with access to special savings on Auto and Home Insurance, available to employees of Mastery. You can request free quotes from the following: Liberty Mutual Insurance, MetLife Auto & Home® and Travelers.

  • To get started, you can call Corestream at 888.935.9595. You can also call each partner directly: Liberty Mutual at 800.298.8018, MetLife Auto & Home® at 800.438.6388, and Travelers at 888.695.4640.

T-Mobile Discount (Pennsylvania Employees)

  • Through an offer with T-mobile, Pennsylvania employees may experience cost savings on their cell phone bills by switching to T-mobile. Please review this flyer for more information.

YMCA Discount

  • Mastery employees are eligible to receive a 10% discount membership and access to all Philadelphia Free Valley YMCA locations. The joiner fee is also waived! To start a membership, you can visit a Philadelphia location or call 215.220.9199. For more information, visit


  • PeopleJoy, a trusted student loan advisor, specializes in helping teachers find savings and prepare their loan forgiveness applications
  • PeopleJoy finds savings for 2 out of 3 teachers! PeopleJoy can assist non-teaching staff at Mastery as well. All full-time and part-time staff may access this free benefit with PeopleJoy
  • After your start date, visit (or call 800.653.1812) to complete a quick survey. After submitting the survey, a representative will reach out to you to review your student loan analysis.
  • If savings can be identified, you may opt into their services FREE of charge. The entire cost of their services is covered by Mastery.

Not A Peep

  • Not A Peep, a sleep consulting agency based in Philadelphia, specializes in solving pediatric sleep disorders in babies and children of all ages.
  • Services include private one-on-one virtual coaching, new born sleeping classes, virtual mini-consults, nightly in-home services, overnight text support and more! For a full list of prices and services, click here or visit
  • As an employee of Mastery Schools, you are eligible for a 20% discount on all Not A Peep services. To take advantage of this discount, simply use the code MSNP20 when booking a service with Not A Peep at checkout. Be sure to have your employee ID handy!

Cross Country Mortgage

  • CrossCountry Mortgage (CMM) is a full-service nationwide lender offering a wide variety of mortgage loans. CMM’s robust portfolio includes purchase and refinance products such as first time homebuyers, investment and jumbo loans to name a few. CMM provides a dedicated mortgage team to help staff reach their homeownership goals.
  • Take advantage of this partnership by clicking here! or visiting

Q: How can I access my Aetna account?
A: Register your account at Once you are registered you can:

  • View or print your member ID card

  • View your Aetna claims online

  • Download and access the Aetna mobile app (available at

  • Access ‘DocFind’ online provider directory: Look for a doctor or specialist in your area along with phone numbers, directions, and network information

Q: I enrolled in a Flexible Spending Account. What do I do now?
A: Create an account on our FSA vendor, Benefit Resource, Inc’s (BRI), website by going to
Company Code: masterycharter
Member ID: SSN with no spaces or dashes

While you can track and manage your FSA account from BRI’s website, changes to FSA contribution amounts can only be made through SmartBen. You’re able to make changes to parking and transit FSAs on a monthly basis, but medical and dependent care FSA amounts can be changed during open enrollment (unless you have a qualifying life event).

Q: How can I access my dental insurance information?
A: Guardian is Mastery’s dental provider. The Guardian website is and you can register at the top right hand side of the screen to print a card. You’ll need to enter our dental plan Group #407506. The plan network is Dental Guard Preferred. If you encounter any difficulties, you can reach out to [email protected] and they will be able to assist.

Q: How can I access my vision insurance information?
A: VSP is Mastery’s vision provider. The VSP website is You can go to “create an account” and then print an ID card. If you encounter any difficulties, you can reach out to [email protected] and they will be able to assist.

Q: Are there fertility services provided by our Aetna plans?
A: Advanced Reproductive Technology (ART) coverage is available in our HMO and POS plans. Coverage includes 2 cycles of Advanced Reproductive Technology (ART) with a $10,000 lifetime maximum. To learn more, please reach out to Benefits VIP at 1-866-286-5354 or via email at [email protected].

Q: Can I add my Domestic Partner to my benefits?

A: Domestic Partners are qualifying dependents under Mastery Charter Schools Benefits. In order to determine whether your partner fits the requirements for domestic partnership, please review this Affidavit of Domestic Partnership. Should you decide to add your domestic partner to your benefits, you must sign and have this form notarized. You may add your partner to your benefits during Open Enrollment, or if you’ve experienced a Qualifying Life Event.

Q: Will I receive a tax form for my FSA account?

A: Plans for FSA, DCA, HRA, HRA-VEBA, and Commuter Benefit accounts do not receive forms for filing taxes. These are pre-tax accounts which means that the participant did not pay taxes on this income, therefore, they do not report this as taxable income on their taxes. Any pre-tax information is listed on your W2.

The birth or adoption of a child is considered a Qualifying Life Event and therefore a Special Event Enrollment period can be opened to allow a Mastery employee to add their child to benefits. The enrollment event is available for 30 days after the birth or placement of the child. If you are still within your 30 day window, please follow the steps below. If not, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

  • Two ways to add your child:

    • Call Benefits VIP at 1-866-286-5354 and speak with a representative who can assist in adding your baby on to your desired benefit plan(s).

    • Complete enrollment yourself online by logging into SmartBen, Mastery’s benefit administration system. Follow this link to login: Use these instructions for login and enrollment assistance. Then click the ‘Benefit Enrollment’ link under the Life Event title on the homepage to complete your enrollment.

  • Additional steps/information:

    • If a social security number is not available at the time of enrollment, you may use a default number of 111-11-1111. Once acquired, you must update your newborn’s information in our SmartBen system or call Benefits VIP at 1-888-286-5354 for further assistance.

    • Provide documentation to substantiate the child’s birth to complete enrollment process by emailing [email protected]. Examples of acceptable documentation: child’s birth certificate or crib sheet with parental information listed.

A special enrollment period allows you to enroll in benefit plans (based on eligibility) if you have a qualifying life event. Normally, making a change to your benefits selections is only available for enrollment during the annual open enrollment or new hire enrollment period, but a special enrollment period allows employees to sign up for coverage outside of that annual window, as long as they have a qualifying event.

Examples of qualifying life events: birth or adoption of a child, marriage or divorce, loss of other coverage

  • If one of the qualifying life events above apply to your situation, please follow next steps:

    • Contact Benefits VIP at 1-866-286-5354

    • Complete and submit this form, along with substantiating documents, to [email protected]. For example, a birth certificate, marriage certificate, letter or documentation outlining loss of coverage. If unsure of what to provide, please ask a Benefits VIP representative when calling the number above.

  • Open Enrollment for the 2024-25 plan year opens on Monday, May 13th(at 9:00am) and closes on Friday, May 24th  (at 5:00pm).  This is an important time to look at your benefit plans to make sure they meet your needs and to make any necessary changes. We want you to take full advantage of our exciting offerings!
  • All staff will receive an email with SmartBen (enrollment site) login instructions at the opening of the period on May 13th at 9:00am.
  • Prepare yourself for Open Enrollment:
    • Review Benefit Guidebooks below for full offerings and plan details.
    • Read our Benefits Headlines here to learn more about updates to our benefits package for next year
    • Review Open Enrollment FAQs here
    • This is a passive enrollment, so if you do not log into SmartBen (our benefits platform) between May 13th and May 24th, you will be defaulted into the same elections you currently have – with the exception of medical and dependent care flexible spending accounts (FSAs). You must complete Open Enrollment if you would like to enroll in or continue your enrollment in a medical or dependent care FSA account, add or remove dependents, or make changes to your current benefit plans or coverage levels. You will receive an email with instructions for logging into SmartBen on May 13th when open enrollment begins.
  • Please Note:
    •  Attention Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Enrollees! If you are currently enrolled in a healthcare, dependent care or transit flexible spending account, you MUST complete open enrollment in order to re-elect and continue this benefit into the next plan year.
    • Don’t forget – this is your only chance to make changes to your benefits for next year (effective 7/1/2024) outside of experiencing what is considered a life event (please see above for more information – Open Enrollment vs. Special Event Enrollment)
  • Questions During Open Enrollment:
    • Please reach out to Benefits VIP ([email protected] or 1-866-286-5354) if you have questions about:
      • Flexible Spending Accounts
      • Cost of any of Mastery’s insurance coverages
      • Whether certain items and procedures are covered under Mastery’s plans
      • Which plans you are currently enrolled in
      • General questions about open enrollment
    • Please reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about:
      • New and additional benefits

Mastery has partnered with Eastern University, Drexel University Online, and Widener University to offer tuition discounts to Mastery employees.

Eastern University
  • Mastery employees and their spouses/significant others can take advantage of a 10-20% tuition discount on Master’s degree programs and Certification programs at Eastern University!
  • To take advantage of this discount, just indicate in your online application to Eastern that you are a Mastery employee (or the spouse/significant other of a Mastery employee) and the team at Eastern will know to apply the appropriate discount.
  • Click here to learn more!

Drexel University Online

  • Over 140 online degrees and certificates offered
  • Take advantage of 10-40% tuition savings for new student partners
  • No application fee, and deferred billing options available
  • Dedicated support from enrollment to graduation
  • Additional benefits available for military service members, veterans, and their immediate family
  • For more information, visit

Widener University

  • Mastery employees receive a 20% tuition discount on Widener University’s continuing studies and graduate programs – including certificate programs.
  • Click here to learn more!